

Trainer skill improvement training session

記事 Trainer skill improvement training sessionのアイキャッチ画像

On Tuesday, September 10th, trainers gathered at the Cleo Osaka Minami Craft Kitchen to hold a training session to improve their skills.

The theme of this training session was the delicious red sea bream

“Momiji-dai” (red leaf sea bream)

In season: September to November

<Reason for selection>

Seasonal fish have a wide range of culinary uses, making them easy to suggest and, depending on the specifications, making suggestions that will not bore your customers.

<About commercialization>

While maintaining the standard products and product lineup, we aim to create merchandise that will make customers stop by showing off their products.

Trainer in charge: Yohei Saiki

■ Red Sea Bream during spawning season
Sakura sea bream come to shallow waters to spawn, so the catch increases.
This period is also a time when demand increases, as it coincides with the beginning of school and other events.
It is said that Sakura sea bream tastes bad because the eggs take up all the energy before spawning, but conversely, it is said to be delicious because the eggs eat a lot of food in preparation for giving birth.
You can’t tell if it’s before or after spawning until you cook it.

■ Red sea bream after spawning
After spawning, straw sea bream use up all their energy and their flesh becomes thin.
At this time of year, it is called “Strawfish Snapper” because it coincides with the wheat harvest, and the hollow wheat stalk and skinny flesh of the seabream are hung over it.

■The subsequent red sea bream
It is said that this is the time when Momiji Tai, which has regained its energy and gained weight from eating plenty of food, is fat and delicious. Red leaf sea bream eats a lot of summer shrimp and crabs, and is rich in food rich in the red natural pigment astaxanthin, so it is highly nutritious and is said to be in its “original season” when it is red leaf sea bream.
