

Support for tuna cutting demonstration sales

記事 Support for tuna cutting demonstration salesのアイキャッチ画像

On Saturday, February 22nd, a young female employee butchered and sold a huge fresh bluefin tuna weighing over 60 kilograms.

As the demonstrator struggled to cut the bone, an introduction was made to him as “a 21-year-old in his third year with the company,” and the gathered audience shouted out encouragement, “Good luck!”

Also, items such as filleted tuna were extremely popular and sold like hotcakes.

【Comment from Syokushin trainer】

I think I was able to dissect it smoothly because I had practiced a week prior with a 30kg yellowfin tuna and rehearsed the procedure.

I thought he would be more nervous, but he handled the situation calmly and I felt he was very reliable.

Above all, I think it’s wonderful that he is willing to fillet a tuna weighing over 60kg in front of the customers.

As trainer: Taguchi