

#Let’s eat Japan! Fukushima support set meal at Osaka Prefectural Government Cafeteria [Fukushima set meal]

記事 #Let’s eat Japan! Fukushima support set meal at Osaka Prefectural Government Cafeteria [Fukushima set meal]のアイキャッチ画像

<Osaka Prefecture>
In Osaka Prefecture, in order to prevent harmful rumors and support the people of Fukushima Prefecture, the prefectural government cafeteria will begin offering menus using seafood produced in Fukushima Prefecture (Fukushima Tokiwa).
It is also open to general visitors, so we look forward to seeing many of you there.

大阪府/報道発表資料/府庁食堂で福島県産の魚介類を使用したメニューを提供します! (osaka.lg.jp)

I went to eat the “Fukushima Support Set Meal” at the cafeteria of the Osaka Prefectural Government Office.
The salt-grilled mackerel was fatty, soft and delicious, and the fried Mexicali was also excellent.
We also received tickets to support Fukushima, and if you save 10 tickets, you can get your next meal free.
This time, I went to the cafeteria on the basement floor of the main building of the prefectural government building, but next time I would like to use the cafeteria in the Sakishima government building.
Although it is a small effort, we will continue to disseminate information so that we can be of some help.


「福島だけの問題じゃない」吉村府知事が福島県産水産物味わう 大阪府庁で定食提供開始 福島 | TBS NEWS DIG (1ページ)