

“Father’s Day” initiatives

記事 “Father’s Day” initiativesのアイキャッチ画像

On Father’s Day, we focused our efforts on making and selling tuna sashimi and sushi products as a way of expressing our gratitude to fathers.

【Comments from each staff member】

<Responsible SV>

  • Our creative approach to sales and promotion

Making the most of the 26-foot platform, they aimed to become the best store in the area by offering a well-balanced sales floor with bluefin tuna, sushi, thin slices, and more. The bluefin tuna on the day was of high quality, so the whole team came together and was able to sell it.

<Department head>

  • Assorted sashimi, sushi, etc. – What we’ve done differently (difficulties, etc.)

We offer a variety of SKUs, from large to small, and I believe we have been able to communicate our thoughts to customers by being conscious of standards and product development that are second to none compared to our competitors.

<Our trainers>

  • Results, etc.

  On the day, we promoted bluefin tuna, the highest quality type of tuna.
Because we were able to get some really good tuna in, we created a sales area that was a flashy red color to catch the customer’s eye.

