

seasonal fish Thinly sliced cutlass fish

記事 seasonal fish Thinly sliced cutlass fishのアイキャッチ画像

We recommend “sashimi” and “sushi” for fresh items!

Cutlass fish has a moderate amount of fat, and the larger it is, the more delicious it becomes, giving it a rich taste.

Cutlass fish caught by pole-and-line fishing are carefully handled so that they are not scratched on the surface like a silver sword, and they are beautiful and fresh.

Recommended time: August to December

source:Awaji Island’s delicious food, hairtail

URL: 淡路島のおいしい食材 | 食のブランド「淡路島」推進協議会 (brand-awajishima.com)

source:Yura Town Fisheries Cooperative

URL:由良町漁業協同組合 (jf-yura.or.jp)

seiya(@i.seiya1119) • Instagram写真と動画

Thinly sliced cutlass fish, I’m pretty confident!

Trainer in charge: Seiya Izumoto



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